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A great place to learn and grow

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  • Phone : 020 - 24231054
  • Email : kline@ubs.ac.in

Active Learning

Students take active part in the teaching –learning process. Students are in the center of this process. We create a supportive learning environment. Develop the questioning skills of teachers and children. Students learn through assessment and develop thinking skills through curriculum subjects.

Expert Teachers

Our well qualified and experienced teachers are experts in their field. They love & care for the students and are sensitive to their needs. Our expert teachers have a positive impact on our students.


The location of a school, its surroundings and the general atmosphere both in and around the campus has an enormous significance. It creates a favourable environment for students’ holistic development. The school infrastructure has become a major factor behind how a child sees the world as he/she grows up.

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Kline Memorial School is an English Medium School founded in 2005 and named after the Late Dr. Frank Kline, the founder of Union Biblical Seminary, Pune. It is established and adminis­ tered by the Education Endowment Trust of Union Biblical Seminary, which is a Christian Minority Organization avail­ ing of the rights and privileges guaranteed under Article 30(1) of the Constitution of India.

Aim & Objective


Provide and encourage harmonious development of mental, moral and physical powers, thus prepar­ ing responsible citizens of India. Great committed emphasis is placed on training in honesty, diligence, self-control and moral · leadership.


Education to be meaningful must be holistic.The physical, social, intellectual and spiritual aspects of the student must be received and executed with this objectivein mind.Therefore,it is essential that both the guardian and  the student cooperate with the school in implementing this program .The school day begins with prayer in the assembly where the children are reminded,"THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM."


At every stage they are to learn self-control and respect for others.Their behavior must  reflect credit on themselves  and on the school at all times,  including their coming to and  going from school.  Repeated acts of disobedience  will call for strict  actions.The school provides very  good facilities for  academic studies.The kindergarten  department receives special attention  both in its curriculum and equipments. ·

Socially Useful and Productive Work Program

The Socially Useful and Productive Work Program (SUPW) is operated in higher classes with a view to develop manual skills and a sense of dignity towards labour. Standard first and above have Computer Studies. Physical training, Games and Athletics are offered and all students are expected to take part. Attention is given to speech and vocal training. Kline Memorial Scbool is Government recognized and affiliated to the ICSE Board;'New Delhi.

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Mrs. Sunanda Singh (MA.BEd)

From the Principal’s desk…

Welcome to our Kline Memorial School website!  We are a part of the Union Biblical Seminary and we are guided by the Christian Principles of love, humility, truth, integrity and servant hood. The UBS community is also very encouraging, supportive and welcoming. Parent participation is welcome and we offer many opportunities for parents and families to come and engage with the children’s learning. 

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